The Obstacles and Solutions for Affordable Healthcare

An affordable health insurance right should be expanded to every citizen of the USA and just the critically acclaimed government and private sectors. Us economy is capable enough to provide the poorest of the country with health care benefits from tax returns and the economy.

But as it has been, only 84% of the US citizens are liable to health insurance plans, a major proportion of which is due to the private organization working benefits. Affordable health insurance in Fairfax VA has been a key part of the republican and democrats’ campaigns but as soon as they are over, there is no one to give voice to the pressing need.


There are many hurdles in the extending of health care facilities to all Americans. Some stem from the profits gained by the private sector in medical health care, some from congressmen bipolarity, and some from the inability to list all citizens under a single program.

In the government, the Democrats often raise the issue of affordable health care but it countered well enough by the republicans. The existing health insurance programs and systems have grown too deep into government and private revenue generation that a completely new policy would be starting everything over again from zero.

The extreme diversity of American citizens based on caste, race, religion, culture, and medical conditions is also a major obstacle in the expansion of an all American affordable health care program. The elderly living in Fairfax VA will face different medical problems than the ones living in Los Angeles California.

The idea for healthcare expansion usually targets benefits for a single side, either the customers or the providers. This creates another great bipolarity in decisions as both the parties have equal rights in determining what is to be made of it.

A Practical Approach

The most practical approach towards the introduction of an affordable health insurance for self employed policy is to start building on the existing programs rather than turning over a new leaf.

The best features of the existing health insurance programs should be retained while the controversial ones are the ones that need improvement. Keeping the basic health care needs of the customers met and also the providers and private organizations happy. The idea is to provide the poorest of the country with healthcare benefits.

The debate between Democrats and Republicans should be picked up with points that are mutually agreeable and a plan to be devised to keep them both interested. And since the diversity is too vast in the USA, the state governments should be given the authority to lay out plans for their individual state policies regarding health insurance but a federal minimum should be set.

Health insurance for self-employed and the unemployed are the two sectors that need the most attention. Proper registration of all the customers will also help in getting a detailed record for the government while providing every American with basic healthcare rights.

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